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Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Shun Aircon Services

One-time General Air Con Servicing & Maintenance

Purchasing an Air Con is a necessity especially in a warm weather country. Investing on a good Air Con unit is wise and maintaining the unit is wiser so that it functions optimally for years. We are experts in conducting general Aircon servicing and maintenance whether you want our service just one-time or periodically. We advise you on Aircon parts which need regular checking, these are those most susceptible to wear-and-tear, such as Thermistor (air and gas), Fan Motor, PC Board’s, Capacitor, Train Lines and Gas Pressure. Keeping these parts in top shape will ensure your Air Con unit’s longer lasting performance.

Aircon Chemical Cleaning Service

If the performance of your Air Con unit does not improve by general maintenance alone, our chemical cleaning service provides a total chemical wash of internal Air Con parts such as fan coil, drainage device, and all other parts. The result is a leak-free unit that is also powered up to optimum performance. With an optimal unit, you cut costs on use of power (the unit is capable of cooling an area within a shorter time period) and you also save by prolonging the lifespan of your unit.

Yearly Contract Air Con Servicing & Maintenance

We also provide yearly service and maintenance for 3 or more air con units in a bundle. The advantage of a yearly contract is that you are assured of not missing out on scheduled maintenance, thus preventing unit breakdown, improving its performance, and ensuring that you are breathing cleaner air all year round. Good health and a great and comfortable experience can only come from Pure Air.

Checking, Troubleshooting & Aircon Repair

You can count on us to advise you on the most economical and efficient approach to troubleshooting and Air Con repair. Upon inspection, we provide you with our comprehensive finding as well as the best action to take. Conducting regular checks and nipping a potential problem in the bud is our most recommended approach to keeping your air con maintenance cost low and ensuring that your air con unit will last you years.


Daikin 1 RKD25DAVM FTKD25DVM 8500 Btu INVERTER √√√√
Daikin 1 R25DV1 FT25DVM 9000 Btu NON-INVERTER √√
Daikin 1 R35DV1 FT35DVM 12000 Btu NON-INVERTER √√
Daikin 1 RKD35DAVM FTKD35DVM 12000 Btu INVERTER √√√√
Daikin 1 RKD50BVM FTKD50FVM 17500 Btu INVERTER √√√
Daikin 1 R50BV1 FT50FVM 18000 Btu NON-INVERTER √√√
Daikin 1 RKD60BVM FTKD60FVM 21170 Btu INVERTER √√
Daikin 1 R60BV1 FT60FVM 22530 Btu NON-INVERTER
Daikin 1 R71LU FAY71LVE 24240 Btu NON-INVERTER
Daikin 1 RKD71BVM FTKD71FVM 24240 Btu INVERTER √√
Daikin 1 R100LU FAY100LVE 36100 Btu NON-INVERTER √√
Daikin 1 R100LU (WIRELESS) FAY100LVE 36100 Btu NON-INVERTER √√
Daikin 2 MA56EV1 FT25DVM *2 19200 Btu NON-INVERTER √√√
Daikin 2 3MKD75DVM FTKD25DVM*2 25600 Btu INVERTER √√√
Daikin 3 MA56EV1 FT25DVM *3 19200 Btu NON-INVERTER √√√
Daikin 3 3MKD75DVM FTKD25DVM*3 25600 Btu INVERTER √√√
Daikin 4 MA56EV1 FT25DVM *4 19200 Btu NON-INVERTER √√√
Daikin 4 4MKD75DVM FTKD25DVM*4 25600 Btu INVERTER √√√√
Daikin Ceiling Cassette RKS25AVMG FFQ25BV1B 9000 Btu INVERTER √√√√
Daikin Ceiling Cassette RKS35AVMG FFQ35BV1B 12000 Btu INVERTER √√√
Daikin Ceiling Cassette R35GV1 FHC35KVE 12100 Btu NON-INVERTER √√
Daikin Ceiling Cassette RKS50AVMG FFQ50BV1B 18000 Btu INVERTER √√
Daikin Ceiling Cassette R50GV1 FHC50KVE 18200 Btu NON-INVERTER
Daikin Ceiling Cassette R60GV1 FHC60KVE 22000 Btu NON-INVERTER
Daikin Ceiling Cassette RKS60AVMG FFQ60BV1B 22000 Btu INVERTER √√
Daikin Ceiling Cassette RKS71KUV1 FCQ71KVEA 25600 Btu INVERTER √√√√
Daikin Ceiling Cassette R71LU 1PHASE FHYC71KVE 26600 Btu NON-INVERTER
Daikin Ceiling Cassette RZR100KUV1 FCQ100KVEA 36000 Btu INVERTER √√√√
Daikin Ceiling Cassette R100LU 3PHASE FHYC100KVE 36100 Btu NON-INVERTER
Daikin Ceiling Cassette RZR125KUV1 FCQ125KVEA 42800 Btu INVERTER  
Daikin Ceiling Cassette R125LU 3PHASE FHYC125KVE 44500 Btu NON-INVERTER  
Daikin Ceiling Cassette RZR140KUV1 FCQ140KVEA 48000 Btu INVERTER  
Daikin Ceiling Cassette R140LU 3PHASE FHYC140KVE 49400 Btu NON-INVERTER  
Mitsubishi Electric 1 MU-E10VC MS-E10VC 8530 Btu NON-INVERTER √ √ √
Mitsubishi Electric 1 MUY-GE10VA MSY-GE10VA 8530 Btu INVERTER √√√√
Mitsubishi Electric 1 MU-E13VC MS-E13VC 12300 Btu NON-INVERTER √ √ √
Mitsubishi Electric 1 MUY-GE13VA MSY-GE13VA 12300 Btu INVERTER √√√√
Mitsubishi Electric 1 MUY-GE15VA MSY-GE15VA 17100 Btu INVERTER √√√√
Mitsubishi Electric 1 MU-E18VC MS-E18VC 17800 Btu NON-INVERTER √ √ √
Mitsubishi Electric 1 MU-E24VC MS-E24VC 22520 Btu NON-INVERTER √ √ √
Mitsubishi Electric 1 MUY-GE18VA MSY-GE18VA 22520 Btu INVERTER √√√√
Mitsubishi Electric 1 MUYGE24VA MSY-GE24VA 25200 Btu INVERTER √√√√
Mitsubishi Electric 1 MU-D30VC MS-D30VC 28700 Btu NON-INVERTER
Mitsubishi Electric 1 MU-D36VC MS-D36VC 34200 Btu NON-INVERTER √ √
Mitsubishi Electric 2 MUX-3BD23VB MS-B10VB-R2 *2 21000 Btu NON-INVERTER √√
Mitsubishi Electric 2 MXY-2E20VA MSY-GE10V*2 22400 Btu INVERTER √√√√
Mitsubishi Electric 3 MUX-3BD23VB MS-B10VB-R2*3 21000 Btu NON-INVERTER √√
Mitsubishi Electric 3 MXY-3A28VA MSY-GE10V*3 30400 Btu INVERTER √√√√
Mitsubishi Electric 4 MXY-4A28VA MSY-GE10V*4 30400 Btu INVERTER √√√√
Mitsubishi Electric Ceiling Cassette PU-3VAKR.TH 1 PHASE PL-3BAK-TH 27000 Btu NON-INVERTER
Mitsubishi Electric Ceiling Cassette PU-4VAKR.TH 1 PHASE PL-4BAK-TH 33400 Btu NON-INVERTER
Mitsubishi Electric Ceiling Cassette PU-5YAKD#1.TH 3 PHASE PL-5BAK.TH 45400 Btu NON-INVERTER  
Mitsubishi Electric Ceiling Cassette PU-6YAKD#1.TH 3 PHASE PL-6BAK.TH 51900 Btu NON-INVERTER  
Mitsubishi Heavy Industries 1 SRC10YL-S SRK10YL-S 8600 Btu INVERTER √√√√
Mitsubishi Heavy Industries 1 SRC10CJV-4 SRK10CJV4 9000 Btu NON-INVERTER √√√
Mitsubishi Heavy Industries 1 SRC13YJ-S SRK13YJ-S 11942 Btu INVERTER √√√√
Mitsubishi Heavy Industries 1 SRC13CJV-4 SRK13CJV-4 13000 Btu NON-INVERTER √√√
Mitsubishi Heavy Industries 1 SRC18YJ-S SRK18YJ-S 17100 Btu INVERTER √√√
Mitsubishi Heavy Industries 1 SRC19CKS-4 SRK19CKS-4 18100 Btu NON-INVERTER √√√
Mitsubishi Heavy Industries 1 SRC71ZE-S1 SRK71ZE-S1 24225 Btu INVERTER √√√
Mitsubishi Heavy Industries 1 SRC25CKS-4 SRK25CKS-4 24600 Btu NON-INVERTER √√√
Mitsubishi Heavy Industries 1 SRC80ZK-S SRK80ZK-S 27300 Btu INVERTER √√
Mitsubishi Heavy Industries 2 SCM45ZJ-S SRK25ZJ-S *2 21837 Btu INVERTER √√√√
Mitsubishi Heavy Industries 3 SCM60ZJ-S SRK25ZJ-S *3 25590 Btu INVERTER √√√√
Mitsubishi Heavy Industries 4 SCM80ZJ-S SRK25ZJ-S *4 31390 Btu INVERTER √√√√
Mitsubishi Heavy Industries Ceiling Cassette SRC40ZIX-S FDT40VD 13650 Btu INVERTER  
Mitsubishi Heavy Industries Ceiling Cassette SRC50ZIX-S FDT50VD 17060 Btu INVERTER  
Mitsubishi Heavy Industries Ceiling Cassette FDC71VN FDT71VD 24225 Btu INVERTER  
Mitsubishi Heavy Industries Ceiling Cassette FDC100VN FDT100VD 34120 Btu INVERTER  
Mitsubishi Heavy Industries Ceiling Cassette FDC140VN FDT140VD 48000 Btu INVERTER  
Panasonic 1 CU-S9NKZ CS-S9NKZ 10600 Btu INVERTER √√√√
Panasonic 1 CU-PS9NKZ CS-PS9NKZ 10900 Btu INVERTER √√√√
Panasonic 1 CU-PS12NKZ CS-PS 12NKZ 13600 Btu INVERTER √√√√
Panasonic 1 CU-S12NKZ CS-S12NKZ 13600 Btu INVERTER √√√√
Panasonic 1 CU-S15NKZ CS-S15NKZ 17100 Btu INVERTER √√√√
Panasonic 1 CU-PS18NKZ CS-PS18NKZ 20500 Btu INVERTER √√√
Panasonic 1 CU-S18NKZ CS-S18NKZ 20500 Btu INVERTER √√√√
Panasonic 1 CU-PS24NKZ CS-PS24NKZ 22600 Btu INVERTER √√√
Panasonic 1 CU-S24NKZ CS-S24NKZ 24200 Btu INVERTER √√√√
Panasonic 1 CU-S28NKZ CS-S28NKZ 29000 Btu INVERTER √√√√
Panasonic 2 CU-2S18KKZ CS-S9NKZW *2 17100 Btu INVERTER √√√√
Panasonic 2 CU-2C18KKZ CS-C9MKZW*2 18000 Btu NON-INVERTER √√
Panasonic 3 CU-3C20KKZ CS-C9MKZW*3 20500 Btu NON-INVERTER √√
Panasonic 3 CU-3S27MKZ CS-S9NKZW *3 30700 Btu INVERTER √√√√
Panasonic Ceiling Cassette CU-T19KTH52 CS-T19KT4H52 19100 Btu INVERTER √√√√
Panasonic Ceiling Cassette CU-T24KTH52 CS-T24KT4H52 24200 Btu INVERTER √√√
Panasonic Ceiling Cassette CU-T34KTH52 CS-T34KT4H52 34100 Btu INVERTER √√
Panasonic Ceiling Cassette CU-D34DBH8 CS-D34DB4H5 34500 Btu NON-INVERTER  
Panasonic Ceiling Cassette CU-T43KTH52 CS-T43KT4H52 42600 Btu INVERTER  
Panasonic Ceiling Cassette CU-D43DBH8 CS-D43DB4H5 43000 Btu NON-INVERTER  
Panasonic Ceiling Cassette CU-D50DBH8 CS-D50DB4H5 46400 Btu NON-INVERTER  

Shun Aircon carry all the top brands of Air Conditioning systems and offer a wide range of products ranging from Window Air Conditioner, Split Air Conditioner, Multi Splits, Cassette Air Conditioner, Ductable Units, Air Conditioner with Air Purifier Function, etc...

Sunday, June 1, 2014

Aircon Chemical Cleaning / Wash

1) What is an Aircon chemical Cleaning?

In a nutshell, an aircon chemical cleaning (sometime known as chemical overhaul or chemical washing) is a thorough cleaning  of the air conditioning system by taking out the individual parts of the aircon unit, inspecting them for any (otherwise hard to detect) problems, and cleaning them individually in a chemical solution.

This "spring-cleaning" of the air conditioner system will keep the air-con well maintained, hence extending the lifespan, and largely pre-empting potential "sudden" breakdowns.

2) How is an aircon chemical wash done?

a. Fan coil is dismantle from wall for chemical wash: This will enable a more thorough wash, with the chemical residue being thoroughly washed away.

b. Cleaning of fan coil with chemical solvent: This helps the air-con to emit cleaner filtered air.

c. Checking and keeping the fan bearings well-greased: This will ensure the smooth, quiet operation of the air-con (as opposed to a noisy, vibrating air-con).

d. Cleaning the internal fan of dust and debris: This will allow the air emitted from the air-con to be clean, free, from dust.

e. Washing of internal air-filter: A clean, cleared air-filter will emit purer air, especially important for people sensitive to allergies and sicknesses. A clean internal air-filter also promotes efficient energy running of the air-con.

f. Drainage system is flushed with chemicals: This will help to deter water leakage.

3) Advantages of an aircon chemical wash

Some of the benefits of a air conditioner chemical wash are:

- The air con system is rejuvenated with removal of dirt and debris, resulting in effective cooling of the room

- The smooth, noiseless running of the air con

- Increased efficiency of the air con, hence less electrical consumption

- Elimination of water leakage

- Elimination of foul smell from the air con

- Pre-empting future potential serious breakdowns, leading to costlier repairs and/or replacement

Advantages of Aircon Service

Advantages of Aircon Service

In a nutshell, general aircon servicing that is done regularly helps to maintain the efficiency of your air conditioner, and in turn prolongs its lifespan. An air con starts to work at lowered efficiency after about a year’s usage. If properly maintained, your aircon may last for up to ten years. In the process of usage, the chances of having to face the frustration of a hot humid night with a broken down air conditioner is greatly reduced. This will in turn save you the potentially hefty cost of repairing a faulty aircon in the long run.

Regularly aircon service enables it to function with maximum efficiency. The result is you will have fresh filtered clean air that is consistently cool. This is especially helpful for people who are prone to skin allergies, asthma and sinus. If the air con is not well maintained, it will become clogged with dust, reducing its efficiency. The result is polluted air being circulated around.

Also, a dust-clogged air conditioner means more energy is required for it to function. You may need to adjust the temperature lower than usual to enjoy the cool air. This will contribute to increased electricity usage, resulting in higher electrical bills.

Servicing your aircon also helps to promote a peaceful, noiseless environment. An air conditioning unit that is not well oiled may become noisy after a period of time. Keeping the internal parts of the air con well-maintained by periodical servicing will go a long way in promoting a healthy air conditioner, thus ensuring a good night’s rest.

Owning an aircon

The following are some methods to upkeep your Air Conditioning system for optimal performance and efficiency.

​For Optimum Performance
  • Close all windows and doors
  • Draw the curtains / blinds
  • Set the temperature to be between 23°C - 25 °C which is the human comfort range
  • It takes an average of 1 – 2 hours to cool a room
  • Do not block air inlets and outlets of the indoor unit and outdoor unit

Mitsubishi Electric ~ Single Split (Inverter) ~ Single Split Inverter R410a

Mitsubishi Electric

Our Inverter Technology adjusts capacity in response to conditions such as the difference between the outside and inside air temperatures, allowing our air conditioners to run more efficiently and reduce energy costs.